Sunday School

Sunday School is at 10:00am every Sunday and  is available for all ages.

The members of Henry Memorial Presbyterian Church consider Christian
education a vital Ministry. You are invited to grow in faith and join in
a program suitable for you. We’re sure you can find just the right fit
for yourself and your family. We have classes for all age groups, as well
as a nursery. If you’re not sure which class would be the best fit for you, just ask!
We’ll be happy to help you find the right class. In the education building behind the main building, we provide classes for Nursery through 12th grade which are staffed by trained dedicated teachers. Adult classes are offered for a range of ages and a variety of needs. They are held at various locations throughout the church campus. Sunday School classes are scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday throughout the year.

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